St Nicholas CE Primary School

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
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St Nicholas Road, Church, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 4DN

01254 381875

St Nicholas CE Primary School

Growing Together in our Love of God, Learning and Life

Child & Family Support



Here at St Nicholas School, we recognise the need to provide pastoral care for all our children. Mrs R Gosling is our Child & Family Support Worker and has over 20 years experience working in primary schools.


What does child & family work involve?



Click here for information about attendance and punctuality.



Mrs Gosling works closely with other agencies such as Young Carers, Family Support Centres, Sure Start, Social Services, Lancashire Police, The Women's Centre and many more. She is able to offer a referral service and are often able to help identify where a parent needs to go for help.



Mrs Gosling is one of our deputy DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Lead) in school able to deal with concerns and disclosures about childrens' welfare and safety. Mr Noon is the DSL in school. As parents and staff, we all have a responsibility to keep children safe and free from harm. This area of work also includes internet safety education.



Part of the role is to encourage parents to get involved with school life. There have been many reports that indicate children do better at school if parents are involved in the school in some way. Mrs Gosling can organise information evenings, exhibitions, family day trips out during holidays, breakfast parties plus many more opportunities to get involved.

This list is not exhaustive! Child and Family Support work is very varied and tailored to the needs of the parents. If you do experience problems at home, please call in to school. Mrs Gosling is here to support you and help remove any social barriers that are preventing children from learning.

Being a parent is probably one of the hardest jobs we do; asking for help is a positive move, not a negative one.