SPAR Lancashire School Games Virtual Festival - 30th June
School Games Mark Recognition Certificate
St Nicholas has been recognised for their ongoing commitment and achievement in the School Games Programme during the Autumn and Spring terms. You can see our certificate here.
Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Virtual Mile - click for more information.
The Joy of Moving Home School Festival
We want children from KS2 to join in with The Joy of Moving Home School Festival on the afternoon of Thursday 21st May. It is a sports based programme by Accrington Stanley Academy Trust designed to keep pupils active.
The aim of the weekly set of resources is to provide young people and families many opportunities to remain as active as possible during the current circumstances. This is delivered through a weekly timetable of daily activities. There are four different activities to choose from, each with a different theme. The themes are:
- Move – A series of fun resources to choose from to help keep your children moving and active each day.
- Learn – A learning resources provided each week with supporting documents and videos for a particular skill from the P.E curriculum.
- Challenge – A weekly challenge linked to the learn activity so the children can try to achieve their personal best and take part in competition with family.
- Play – Provides a series of resources for children to be active through play.
KS1 Timetable - week beginning 6th July (week 11)
Year 1-2 The learn and challenge will focus on bouncing, and there is also a great gymnastics sequence card for young people to try.
KS2 Timetable - week beginning 6th July (week 11)
Year 3-6 Learn is physical tetris and the challenge is an amalgamation of the previous 9 weeks and John Farnworth challenges.
Early Years Resource Page - Lancashire School Games have released an Early Years (0-5) resource page with some skill videos, so children at this young age can still develop their skills.
Daily PE Challenge
As well as the weekly activity timetables, Lancashire School Games set the children fun challenges each week details of which can be found below:
Mondays - generic quick challenge.
Wednesdays - school games specific challenge where there are prizes for most pupils from a school and best results.
Fridays - Key Stage specific challenge from Lancashire School Games Stay at Home timetable.
Wednesday 17th June - Stay at Home Heroes Challenge – Rounders/Dance
Tuesday 9th June - Virtual Cricket Challenge
Monday 1st June - Virtual Volleyball Challenge
Friday 15th May - Spar Lancashire Games Virtual Netball Challenge
Friday 15th May - KS1 Week 4 Friday Challenge
Friday 15th May - KS2 Week 4 Friday Challenge
Wednesday 12th May - Virtual Golf Challenge
Friday 8th May - Spar Lancashire Games Yr 3-6 Climbing the Walls Challenge
Friday 8th May - Spar Lancashire Games Yr 1&2 Bunny Hop Challenge
Friday 8th May - Virtual Golf Challenge
Wednesday 6th May - Virtual Climbing Challenge
Friday 1st May - KS1 Week 2 Friday Challenge
Friday 1st May - KS2 Week 2 Friday Challenge
Wednesday 29th April - Virtual Hockey Challenge
Monday 27th April - Balance Challenge
Wednesday 22nd April - Virtual Rugby Challenge
Thursday 16th April - Speed Bounce Challenge
Wednesday 15th April - Socks in a Box Challenge
Wednesday 8th April - Figure of 8 Challenge
Joe Wicks - Click the link below for how to join Joe Wicks' daily workout or just Google 'Joe Wicks kids workout.'
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PE home learning resources |
Mr Middleton wants you all to keep moving whilst at home - check out some activities he has suggested you try below.
Basic skills for Ages 4-11:
Dance Based Activities:
Activities for the whole family:
Different apps/videos:
Cricket - here are two cricket based activities for you to have a go at
Parent & Child cricket challenge - week 1